Spirit Release
Before explaining what Spirit release is I'd just like to very briefly explain about energy fields if spirit release is a new subject to you. If you already know what spirit release is then please move past this introduction.
As human beings we enter this world with our physical body, but that's not all! We also bring with us an energy body that is part of our eternal soul energy. It's quite possible that during you day to day life you are picking up and being affected by other peoples personal energy fields without even knowing it. Maybe you've stood close to a stranger and even though there has been no verbal or physical contact you may feel uncomfortable or nervous for no apparent reason. You might even be aware of feeling emotions that aren't your own. In situations such as this you are picking up the feelings and emotions with you own energy field that extends around your physical body as it comes into contact with the energy field of another person. Alternatively when we are around those we love it makes us feel good and part of this is due to the positive feelings and emotions being picked up at this energy level in the same way. Everyone's sensitivity to this is slightly different, some are very aware while others are less so. So what happens to the energy body when we die? At the point of death our energy body/soul consciousness continues it's existence. The energy body being of a much lighter energy vibration than our physical body is draw to planes of higher vibration (home). We take with us in the energy body all our thoughts feelings, emotions and experiences , all the things that make us 'us'. So having briefly explained energy bodies it time to explain spirit Release! What is Spirit Release?Simply Spirit Release is the process of releasing energy from a persons energy field that doesn't belong with them, the energy being released usually belongs to a person who has died and for some reason has not returned home to the higher planes. There are many reasons why a soul may not have returned home or has missed the light. Often these souls have died in a state of confusion and may not even know that they have died. Sometimes a death is sudden and the soul is not ready or able to leave yet, maybe feeling there is unfinished business to attend to. It is surprisingly common for some of these souls that no longer have a body of their own to be drawn to our energy fields and attach themselves to it. When this happens these souls are know as `spirit attachments` and spirit release is the process of removing spirit attachments from a persons energy field.
We are particularly vulnerable to spirit attachments entering our energy fields when we are ill or feeling low or depressed, as our own energy fields are weakened at this time. Attachments can also enter during operations whilst under anaesthesia or whilst a person is in a state of unconsciousness due to alcohol or drugs use. Why would a spirit attachment choose to enter my energy field?All that exists including our energy bodies is made up of electromagnetic energy which vibrates at various frequencies, even our thoughts and emotions comprise of this energy. Energies that vibrate at the same frequency are naturally drawn together. When a soul is without a body it is often draw to the energy of another that matches it's own vibration, so the discarnate soul will be draw to those who have the same types of feelings, thoughts or emotions. Sometimes discarnate souls are drawn to those who can give them something they lack or need, maybe happiness or security for instance. Discarnate souls can also be drawn to those who may need them on some level, an example of this might be the discarnate soul energy of a child being draw to a women who wants to have a child of her own.
How do I know if I'm affected by a spirit attachment?
Ten Trees Therapies